Is Your Staff Ready?

Education Isn’t Keeping Up

Most workers today don’t know what a database is or how to write simple code, even if they have a university education. In today’s world, that’s like only being able to do math on a slide rule. You don’t need to turn your entire labor force into software developers, but giving them a small amount of technological literacy has a huge effect on productivity. Small snippets of code and simple databases can save a single worker hundreds of hours of time every year and increase confidence in their results and analyses.


Your Technology Isn’t Serving You

Have you ever found a spreadsheet with an error that it took years for someone to notice? Have you accidentally deleted a critical piece of data, only to not realize it until it was too late to recover? Do you have massive spreadsheets that bog down your computer whenever they are open? When was the last time you sent a critical spreadsheet to an executive only to realize that it wasn’t the latest version? By adopting modern tools and techniques, all these problems – and more – can be avoided by using the right tools.


Get Straight to the Good Stuff

Learning technology seems intimidating and can be daunting for many people, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Our expert technologists and educators distill the important information that your team needs to get powerful fast. We don’t just stop at the basics, we focus on applying these tools in the real world – we can even conduct workshops using your own data and tools. Most importantly, after our sessions, students know where they can go to solve problems as they arise and what the best resources are for continuing their technical educations.

What We Teach

Advanced use of Microsoft Excel.

Excel is an important tool for your operation. It’s likely used daily by everyone from your procurement staff to your IT team. With a little bit of knowledge, you can make working in Excel faster, more reliable, and sometimes downright fun.


We teach the skills that engineers need to go from not being able to code to feeling comfortable making their own applications. You will be astounded by what your team can accomplish.

Data Science.

Data science education will allow your staff to understand the amazing tools that have grown out of companies like Google and Facebook for working with data. These tools are blazing fast, easy to use, and often complete free.

Machine Learning.

Machine learning is faster to develop and easier than you think. We demystify the tools that have created the explosion of machine learning applications on the market today. After our program, you’ll be able to identify opportunities to leverage machine learning all over your mine and be able to act on them.


Your staff interacts with databases almost every day, often without realizing it. Basic understanding of how databases work and advanced querying skills will unlock power that has been right in front of you all this time.

Rapid Prototyping.

Learn the tools and processes made popular by Silicon Valley startups to find the best problems, test a solution quickly, iterate on an idea, and turn it into a working application.

Invest in your workforce today. Contact Us Now